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Elena Somarè “The Forbidden Sound”

Elena Somarè “The Forbidden Sound”

S. Antonio Auditorium – Morbegno (SO) – Saturday, March 23, 2024 – 9:00 p.m.

Elena Somarè vocals/ whistling

Mats Hedberg guitar

Lincoln Almada harp, percussion

Gianluca Massetti keyboards

The Morbegno Musica 23/24 season continues with the rich and established calendar offered by local music associations, in collaboration with the Municipality of Morbegno and with the support of the Mattei Foundation.

The third event curated by AmbriaJazz ODV is approaching, presenting a rather unique concert: the star of the evening will be Ms. Somarè’s vocal style – whistling!
This is not the first time AmbriaJazz has brought a whistler to the Valtellina stages: some will remember maestro Tommaso Novi, a guest at Castel Grumello back in 2010. However, for this concert, the musical presentation is performed by a woman, which is rather unusual given that history and tradition have certainly not made life easy for this particular form of expression. Indeed, whistling has often been identified as the voice of the devil: not surprisingly, in Arrigo Boito’s “Mefistofele,” it is the devil himself who enters the scene whistling.
In the past, women were even forbidden to whistle! As such, this gesture was considered inappropriate, vulgar and a sign of extreme rudeness. However, AmbriaJazz, known for its originality, intends to reevaluate both whistling as an artistic form of expression and to restore dignity to the female whistler.

So here is where the eclectic Elena Somarè, known for her mastery in exploring new dimensions of sound, will perform a unique and exciting concert at Morbegno’s Sant’Antonio Auditorium on Saturday, March 23 at 9 p.m., and promises to offer spectators an unforgettable experience.

Accompanied by Swedish guitarist Mats Hedberg, Paraguayan harpist and percussionist Lincoln Almada, and Italian pianist and keyboardist Gianluca Massetti, Elena Somarè captures the attention of audiences and critics alike with her extraordinary ability to transform the simple act of whistling into a complex and engaging art form. Her repertoire ranges from classical music to contemporary sounds, demonstrating extraordinary versatility and originality.

The concert, titled“The Forbidden Sound,” is therefore a unique opportunity to discover live the talent of this internationally renowned virtuoso whistler. Her performance will transport viewers on a musical journey through an entertaining and undoubtedly interesting program, ranging from South American music to original songs to the big hits of the 1960s and 1970s.

Morbegno’s Sant’Antonio Auditorium, with its cozy atmosphere, proves to be the ideal place to host this extraordinary event. Seats are limited, so it is recommended to purchase tickets in advance to guarantee a seat at this exclusive concert.

Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 21:00 in Auditorium S. Antonio in Morbegno, with the concert of Elena Somarè – Il Suono Proibito.

Online ticketing: tickets can be purchased until 7 p.m. on the evening of the concert.

Full Ticket € 22.00 (plus service charge)

Under 16 ticket € 5.00 (plus service charge)

20% Reduced Ticket for Students and Musicians €17.60 (plus service charge) with coupon code to be requested at email

Ticket office at the entrance: open from 8 p.m. on the evening of the performance. In the event the performance is not SOLD OUT and tickets are still available, last minute ticket purchases do not guarantee seating choice. No reservations accepted.
Full ticket € 25.00

Under 16 ticket € 6.50

Reduced Ticket 20% for Students and Musicians € 20.00 – with Student ID or documentation.

Elena Somarè

A multimedia artist, she is one of the rarest and best-known international performers in the field of whistle music. She has taken whistling to the highest levels of interpretation, freeing it from the prejudice that confined it to virtuoso performance. Somarè brings a new sound to the public by collaborating with internationally renowned musicians, innovative arrangements and electronic music.

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